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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now, The End of May--But a Girl's Ride!

Wow, now May is almost over!

I haven't done much riding lately, although I think the price of gas prompts me to ride more as a cost savings. But I've been busy with other things--like school, home and other things.

I did get out for a quick scoot with the girls for lunch--up to the lovely Wines of Colorado. It was a beautiful day for riding! For those of you who have never been to The Wines, you should do so! It's a marvelous treat and the food is always delicious!

My lunch was a lovely smoked salmon over a spinach salad. Dressed with a raspberry vinaigrette. The salmon is smoked on site and wow....yummy!!  Lunch is not the only treat. If you go, please ask to sit creek side--and enjoy your lunch outside in the sunshine and listen to the gurgling of the creek. Lovely!

Of course, a ride out with my gals--is the best! It's always great to get out in the sunshine and have the breeze between the knees! I hope to have many more adventures with the gals (and guys) over the remainder of the riding season!

It's in full swing now--there are many motorcycles out there! Vehicles--watch for motorcyclists! Riders--pay attention for the driver not paying attention. It can be a difference between a great ride and a bad one.

As always, keep the shiny side up!

~The Rainbow Wahine

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