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Monday, February 28, 2011

If It's Too Cold To Ride...

What to do, what to do, what to do??

Gather everyone together and have brunch!

Of course, it's always good to get together and kibbitz.  And a good way to sample everyone else's cooking too!! 

Sausage, potato casserole, green chili casserole, croissants, and a lovely egg, mushroom and cheese concoction that was yummylishous!  Add bloody marys, mimosas, coffee....Yummo!!

The best part are the people.  It was a good time to get together and visit, share stories, and laugh. 

Although I can't wait for riding's close!

Keep The Shiny Side Up!

~The Rainbow Wahine

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Still A Frozen Tundra Out There

I had time for a quick scoot last weekend.  Actually, I was putzing around the house doing chores and the bike was a callin'....Christine....Christine....Christine.

Although it was a little cool in the shade, the sun was shining and most definitely ridable.  So the decision for a quick ride around town was made!!  Yes!

Throw on gear, back the bike out of the garage and down the street I go.  As I pull out of the neighborhood, I look up at Pike's Peak....lo and behold it's pouring down rain!! 

Are you kidding me?!?!?!?

Colorado is known for its micro-weather.  Pouring down rain on one side of town and a mile or two down the road--it's dry as a bone.  Unfortunately for me, Murphy's Law is in play here--as I am out on the motorcycle, that rain cloud is headed directly at me. 

Ride was very short; about five miles.  Got a few rain splashes.

Oh well, I guess I should not complain.  I did get some wind therapy.

Today, it's very cold and there is a crazy ice fog. 

Not to good for ridin'!

Keep the shiny side up!

~The Rainbow Wahine